Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Raven and the Dove

       This next part can be found in chapter 8 of Genesis. Noah waited 40 days to open the roof and test to see if the waters had receded from the land. He first sent out a raven but it never came back. Instead, it travelled back and forth trying to find land. Why would Noah choose a raven as the first explorer? I have a hard time believing that the raven would die rather than return to the ark. Whatever happened to its' mate? It dies state in that verse (v. 6) that the raven flew until the waters dried up. However, that does not mean that it had actually found it. That part always made me sad. I have heard several preachers who believe that the raven did fly searching for land rather than return to the ark. Yet, I am not convinced. Some preachers villainize the raven for not coming back yet they do not respond the same way when the dove does not return later on in the story. It seems to me that these preachers just don't like ravens and they are unjustly bringing that into their preaching.
       The aforementioned dove was the second bird brought out by Noah. It is uncertain as to how long after the release of the raven that this had occurred.Anyway, the dove flew around searching for land but only found water. Thus it returned to the ark, presumably on the same day.Noah reached out his hand and brought the bird inside the ark. Noah waited another week, or 7 days, before he sent out the dove again. The dove returned in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf in its' beak when the dove returned to Noah. This was to indicate that the water had receded enough to be below tree level. Is it at all possible that an olive leaf was floating on the ocean's surface? Yes, but a leaf on the surface of the ocean would not have stayed looking fresh that long. It does seem to indicate that the water had receded far lower it had previously. Noah waited another week before sending the dove out again. Noah displayed great insight in that he waited for the water to recede further. When I was younger, I would have taken off the covering of the ark after seeing evidence of growing plants. Of course, everything changes when you're in the situation and through the experience of time. Anyway, after Noah sent out the dove it did not return. It was now the first day within the first month and Noah was 601 years old.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Noah: The Flood

       This post will be about Noah just before and during the flood and can be found in chapter 7 of Genesis.. God decided to spare Noah, his family including his sons and their families, and the animals. God gave Noah very specific instructions on how to build the ark. The ark must be constructed out of cyprus wood. The ark had to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. The original measurements being 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (which is about 140 meters long, 23 meters wide, and 13.5 meters high for our international readers).I still wonder if that is large enough to house all the animals and its' human occupants.
        Anyway, God commanded Noah to take two pairs of every unclean and 7 pairs of every clean animal onto the ark. God commanded Noah to gather 7 pairs of every kind of bird. Is that because birds are clean or does it speak of the importance of birds? Further, what happened to all the trees; did they survive that year underwater? After Noah had completed what God had assigned him, he was told that he would have to wait 7 days until the flood would come. The rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. Afterwards, the rain subsided and the entire world was covered in water, according to the text. Noah was told to take every kind of food that is designed to be eaten for Noah, his family, and the animals. However, Noah and his family were not charged with replanting the earth. In addition, weeds were not considered food yet they clearly survived the flood. How plants, aside from food, survived the flood is a mystery.
       At this point, Noah was 600 years old. This has got to be a surprise to someone of that age. Noah had to have had a lot of faith to build the ark. Noah and his family waited until the day of the flood to get on the ark. It occurred on the second month on the seventh day, according to the lunar calendar.
       The story states that the flood waters covered the mountains. I think it can be surmised that these waters were very violent. The reason for this lies in a statement made in the Bible that nothing that had breathe living on the earth survived. Since it is likely that people, even without having knowledge of the upcoming flood, could have quickly built a raft or used their boats if they had one. The boat option is a likely choice for fishermen. Since the text states that no one survived save Noah and the ark, it can be reasonably theorized that anyone who possessed boats, such as fishermen, would have had to have had dealt with severe turbulence to explain why they did not survive. The flood waters remained on the Earth for 150 days. This would be about five months. I think the waters were calm at this point. For those of you keeping count, that's about six months that Noah was on the ark with his family and all those animals. I imagine that that was not a comfortable experience and it was not yet done.
       The flood waters took five months to recede from the Earth. On the seventh month on the seventh day, the ark came to rest in the area around the mountains of Ararat. The waters continued to recede until the mountains could be seen on the on the 10 month on the first day. This can be difficult to follow, so be sure, I did evaluate it before posting it. By this, I mean I made sure that the dates lined up.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Corruption of Humanity

         I have never actually directly quoted the Bible in my posts, so now I shall to be examine the text. "My spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." (v.3). The Youthwalk Devotional Bible New International Version states that the translation of mortal is actually corrupt. This means that God is already fed up with humanity. This is very different than earlier in Genesis, when "he saw that it was good." In addition, humanity's lifespan was shortened from hundreds of years to 120 years, possibly, due to corruption. Further this transformation transpired in less than five chapters. Therefore, it must be remembered  that this had actually transpired over thousands of years before Noah's birth. This evidence disproves the Creationist New Earth theory  that the Earth was created in 4,004 B.C. This theory would put Noah and the flood at the same time as Jesus, at its' earliest point. Christian and Secular scholars have proven that Noah had lived much earlier than Jesus. In addition, it should be mentioned that few Creationists believe that the Earth is only 6,014 years old. In Genesis verse 6 chapter 6 there is the quote, "The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the Earth, and his heart was filled with pain." He went from being joyful about the creation of Adam to grieved by the time of Noah. I would like to say now that I understand how God feels. He then decides to wipe out mankind and the animals.  What did the animals do? Was this an all or nothing plan? Did God have no other way to destroy humanity that would not involve the animals? Maybe God thought that the animals would only remind him how much humanity had grieved his heart. Basically, at this point, God is sick of everybody except Noah. Noah was a man who followed God. I guess it is good that God had spared Noah, otherwise, the rest of humanity would not exist. Or is it better for humanity to have died out back then? Finally, "God saw how corrupt the Earth had become, for all the people on Earth had corrupted their ways," (v.12) shows that it was the fault of humanity for their then-current state of corruption. Anyway, this leads us to the story of the Great Flood.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Creation of the Nephilim

         Before We can discuss Noah, we must first discuss the time that Noah lived in. For those of you that are following along, this would be found in chapter 6 of Genesis. Now at this point in the story, humanity was spreading across the face of the Earth. The sons of God, who were never stipulated as being angels or demons, mated with human women who were supposedly so beautiful that these spiritual beings are drawn to them. (Gen. 6 v. 6) However, it is far more likely that these sons of God were demons due to the unlikelihood of angels who were loyal to God disobeying him to mate with mortal women. One explanation of this occurrence that I have heard is that Satan was trying to have active human agents to prevent the coming of Christ many millennia later. The idea was the human race would be contaminated with demonic DNA and prevent Christ's birth in a perfect body (from that theorist's perspective). However, I think God could work his way around those who were not affected. Although, it does state in verse 2 that they found the daughters of men to be beautiful. In addition, verse 4 does state that these children are the Nephilim. Why would demonic offspring be men of renown, as stated in that same verse? Why would Satan need Nephilim agents on Earth when he just as easily could have used human agents. It is possible that renown is references the Nephilim's great strength and not of virtue. God wouldn't have allowed his son Jesus to die by a giant's hand anyway. A possible explanation comes from the Oxford Study Bible. It states that this portion of the story might have been borrowed from a Canaanite story. Although, that would mean that this part of the story was fiction; it is important to remember that the Hebrew used an oral story tradition before those tales were written down. In addition, they were surrounded by Canaanites that could have influenced this addition to the narrative. The section about the Nephilim can be in truth neither denied or confirmed.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Side Note on Lamech

       As a sort of side note, I would like to discuss the mentioning of Lamech. Words can not describe how much I despise this man. This man bragged that since Cain had killed one person and he had killed two and since Cain would be avenged seven times if killed; then, he would be avenged seventy seven. This statement implies that this was a terrible human being. He thought that by killing more people he would be greater than his ancestors. That is wrong on so many levels. Some people claim that he was instead planning to kill these people. This can not however be proven and can equally be assumed that he did. This statement shows intent more than anything else. This is why I have always disliked Lamech and read about him with disdain. It should also be mentioned that this Lamech was descended from Cain's line which means Lamech the father of Noah descended from Seth's line must be different people.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cain and Abel

       The story of Cain and Abel has always had this confounding element in it for me. What did Cain actually do wrong? Before we can answer that we must first examine what actually happened in the story. Cain was the first born and an agriculturist like his father, Adam. Abel was a hunter who killed game, i.e. animals, for food. Is there an irony here that the hunter was killed by a farmer? Anyway, Cain and Abel both made an offering of their first fruits before God. God accepted Abel's and not Cain's. See proof God likes meat. I actually had to read those verses twice when I was younger to make certain that God was rejecting the fruit. Also, I had a hard time believing a story about a murderous farmer. So God rejected Cain's fruit and grain offering. God doesn't explain why which would have been helpful in understanding God's reasoning. Cain, furious at both God's rejection of his hard work and perferring Abel's juicy steaks, allows anger into his heart. God comes down to Cain asking him why he is mad. Shouldn't God really know at this point? God also warns Cain that sin is close to his doorstep. If he does not control it it will destroy him. Cain continues to brew upon this perceived injustice. His anger increases until Abel walks up to him at exactly the wrong moment. Cain leaps upon him and kills him. God later came asking Cain what has he done. Again, you figured God would know. Cain worked really hard on growing the food, selecting the best produce (possibly), and hearing God reject it. Then, praise his younger brother Abel and we don't even know how his parents treated him. God says "don't be mad, be glad" and not much else. And then, he is shocked that Abel's blood is crying from the ground. Really? It seems like the warning signs were there from the beginning. So God admonishes Cain, really again. Then, in a twist of fate, Cain begs God not to send him out into the wilderness for he would be killed by those who knew he had betrayed God. Where did these people come from? How many Children did Adam and Eve have? Maybe they were Abel's children and that's why they would want to kill Cain. They certainly would not have been Cain's children. Something tells me that they wouldn't have wanted to kill daddy. So Cain, who just killed his brother, begs God not to exile him. God showing compassion, and his first amount of forethought in this story, gives the Mark of Cain to him. Didn't this used to be called making someone a target? God told him that the mark signifies God's willingness to avenge Cain should anyone try to kill him. So Cain leaves with his wives and children. Didn't this part make anyone else wonder? God would avenge Cain by killing his murderer, who was murdering Cain to avenge Abel. Again foresight, does this teach Cain anything? Well, we don't know because we don't hear about him again except that he begets people.
       In addition, who told Adam and Eve. Did Cain say, "Ya, Dad umm Mom, God is exiling me because I killed my brother, well bye?" Did God say, "Adam, Eve, you should know that your son Cain has killed your son Abel, sorry, oh by the way, he has to leave now?" That's right, there is no evidence that Adam and Eve actually decided to oust Cain. Whatever happened to the consequences of free will that was so paramount in the last story? Yes, Cain does suffer the consequences of his actions. But, Adam and Eve don't get to decide anything about Cain's expulsion. As far as the story goes, it seems like God tells Adam what will be happening. Yeah choices.
       And, why did Cain's wife leave with him? I mean her husband is a muderer. I guess when your only other option is dead and you don't feel like waiting for the next one than you gop with whose left. Still the worry of repeat offender would be going through my mind. In addition, Cain's wives may have stayed with him because he knew how to plant and was a hard worker. If they had left him, they would have had to do the hard work of the field as well as to take care of any remaining children. It may have made more pragmatic sense to stay with Cain. Besides, maybe Cain was more loving to those whom he didn't kill. I figured out who Cain may have been worried about. Since at this period in time, people were stated to be living hundreds of years than he may come across someone who was loyal to God and would want to retaliate against Cain for his departure from God. They could have even attacked Cain when he was old and feeble hence his fear.  And, whatever happened to Abel's wives. Did they stay with Adam and Eve? Did any decide to marry Cain? Yes, he killed their husband but he also had an income. The rest of this story does not address the issue alas.        

Abel and Children

       In this next post I would like to address the following issue. Why do people automatically presume that Abel had no children. He had a wife in a time when having children that could work would be considered important. Abel's been potrayed as a boy but he was really a young man. He was fully capable of reproducing with his wife. At least, as far as we know. It is quite possible and likely that Abel left several children behind after his death. TAhey were most likely taken in by Adam and Eve after his death.  Sometimes I wonder if all the emotionally insecure people in the world aren't desvended from Abel's children. In conclusion, why claim Cain and Seth as the only progenitors, if Abel could have produced children before his death as well?

Adam and Eve: The Fall

       Cain and his wife were siblings yet they were able to conceive. The occurance listed beloe made me realize the importance of different opinions in discovering the truth. There was this person that I knew that believed that since Cain and his wife could reproduce they were not siblings. The issue arose due to the increased risk of malformations in the children. Yet there were no defects known among Cain's children. This made me wonder how could it work when the risk of birth defects could increase. Cain and his wife were the children of Adam and Eve. I believe Adam and Eve possessed the highest level of genetic stability that humanity had been able to reach. Cain and his wife were the children of Adam and Eve and thus there would have been little genetic degradation. This means the the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve could have reproduced without any to very little genetic damage due to the low chance of entropic decay among Adam and Eve's children. This person believed that the wife of Cain came from another tribe, possibly from another couple outside of the Garden. Where would this couple have come from? Why would God have made another couple outside of the Garden? He could not answer these questions. I joked that maybe they evolved hence how God knew how to make humans. He did not seemed amused by that one. But it did make me think. I had discovered my reason why I believed that the wife of Cain was the daughter of Adam and Eve was due to this man's belief in the contrary.It forced me to evaluate my beliefs and make a decision. It was on that day that I could vehementally disagree with someone and that disagreement could lead to discoveries if approached with rationality.

Monday, February 1, 2010


      The issue of whether humanity is being continually punished must also be addressed. There is a conception that humanity is still being punished for the sin committed by Adam and Eve. I do not believe this. Adam and Eve were held personally accountable through their banishment in the garden. However, their downfall also allowed genetic degradation, in other words imperfections, as a result of their actions. They passed this potential for genetic imperfection on to their children resulting in the state that we know as death. Death is nothing more than complete genetic shutdown. The body now has a limit to how long it can sustain life. This is not simply about eating an apple but about the dangers of a lack in planning, data collection, and threat analysis. I believe God Punishes each individual for their sins.  

Exodus From Eden

      The role of who caused the fall of humanity to sin has always seemed pointless to me. Humanity fell together. I have heard so many arguments that Eve had sinned first. No, others countered, Adam had failed Eve. This seems more like people are trying to shift  the blame to me. Eve had sinned by being deceived by the serpent and eating the forbidden fruit. Adam had sinned by not using discernment to question Eve as to the origin of the fruit and consuming it. The issue of who sinned first is hardly the point as they were both kicked out of the garden together. This to me represents their mutual guilt and their need to work together in order to survive. If they had worked together in the Garden of Eden this event may never have occured.


In the beginning there was nothingness. The Bible and science confirm this position. I believe that this nothingness was perfect oblivion. There was no love nor hate, joy nor sorrow, existence nor non-existence. It just was. This is why I consider it a perfect state. God uttered the sentence, "let there be light," polluting that oblivion. Now the advocates of science may argue that the Big Bang destroyed this state. However, I fail to see how that makes a difference. The state of perfect nothingness was gone for the creation of mortal life and his eternal kingdom. Part of me wonders if this was not done out of selfishness on the part of God.

I believe God made man, including woman, in possibly a lush garden. I'm honestly doubting the Garden of Eden at this point. I mean who puts a tree in the middle of a populated garden that can let an individual gain knowledge about good and evil. This seems like a mistake. I mean wouldn't you put the tree on the outside of the garden. It seems like it would be a lot safer out there to me. Now think about it, if the tree is outside of the Garden of Eden, then Adam and Eve would have had to consciously leave the Garden of Eden to get the fruit. It would be represntative of what was really happening. And, Adam and Eve would not have been admitted back inside for their disobedience.

In addition, if Adam and Eve hadn't of sinned I do not believe we would have been in the Garden of Eden. I mean why would they have children if they did not need them? Adam and Eve were innocent and knew nothing about sex. They gained that knowledge from the tree of good and evil. Children are meant to continue on the lines of their parents. If you do not die you don't have to pass anything down hence no children.

In continuation, why did Eve trust a talking snake? Wasn't she a little suspicious of a possessed serpent? I mean think about it, if I saw a talking cat my first thought would not be, "you make a good point." What did Adam and Eve have, telepathy? And if she did, why couldn't she decypher the serpents plan? Apparently all the animals could speak by the glory of God. Somehow I doubt that. And why would they be unable to speak after the fall?